Yuanming Hu

Yuanming Hu

胡渊鸣 博士


Ph.D. in computer science (MIT CSAIL), advised by Frédo Durand and Bill Freeman.

I graduated with honor from Tsinghua University (Yao class) in July 2017. I worked on deep learning and computer vision, during my internship with Stephen Lin at Microsoft Research Asia. My undergrad thesis is on automatic (differentiable) photo post-processing using reinforcement learning & GANs (TOG & SIGGRAPH 2018). I completed my master thesis (The ChainQueen Differentiable Physical Simulator) with Wojciech Matusik in November 2018. My research has been partly supported by an Edwin Webster fellowship, a Snap Research fellowship, an Adobe Research fellowship, a Facebook Research fellowship, and a GPU gift from NVIDIA.

import taichi as ti

Update March 2021: I completed my Ph.D. thesis defense :-)

Update July 2022: The Taichi thesis is awarded MIT EECS 2022 George M. Sprowls Thesis Award and SIGGRAPH 2022 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award Honorable Mention.

Taichi news:

  • ETH Zurich adopted Taichi to teach physically-based simulation in fall 2021! The vast majority of the students used the Taichi for their final projects. [Read the full story].
  • Made a video collection of recent Taichi community contributions.
  • Check out Taichi Voxel Challenge with 100+ submissions.
  • Taichi v1.0.3 is released! Try the latest version:
pip install --upgrade taichi
ti gallery

Email: yuanmhu at gmail dot com


  • PhD in EECS, MIT

  • MSc in EECS, MIT

  • BEng in Computer Science, Yao class, Tsinghua University


  • Computer graphics
  • Compilers
  • (Differentiable) Physical simulation
  • High-performance computing
  • Differentiable programming
  • Deep learning
  • Computational photography

